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Zerotier Resources

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Some random resources to help setup Zerotier : Your own self-hoted Zerotier Controller : Configuring Zerotier on OPNsense Locking down the zerotier network so only certain networks are available :

Convert Virtualbox OVA to VMware OVF

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Steps on how to convert a virtualbox OVA to VMware OVF References : ovftool.exe –shaAlgorithm=SHA256 /path/to/ova_file.ova /path/to/new/ova_file-SHA256.ova .\ovftool.exe –lax source.ova destination.ovf with: with :

Private Notification Server

Links for the setup of a private notification server to avoid using open technologies like discord/telegram/ms-teams and having prying eyes on your system notifications. First, the NTFY server. This will allow you to connect to YOUR server for push notifications to Android/apple devices with the supplied app from the app store. Next, using apprise and… Read More »Private Notification Server

OPNsense Hardware Options

20230721 – After researching around for hardware for OPNsense we had several requirements : After searching forums, ebay, amazon, aliexpress and several other custom build sites, we found the brand HUNSN to have the options that fit. Some useful links : Specifications and reviews :